The Data Science and Statistics Minor
Six classes
1 unit in introductory statistical methods, chosen from:
DSST189 Introduction to Statistical Modeling
AMST298 Special Topics: Digital Humanities
BIOL320 Experimental Design and Biostatistics
BUAD202 Statistics for Business and Economics
CHEM300 Measurement Statistics
CHEM301 Quantitative Methods of Chemical Analysis
CMSC327 Machine Learning
ECON170 Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics
ECON242 Data Analysis & Computing for Economics & Business
ECON270 Introductory Econometrics
ECON249 Quantitative Social Science
DSST329 Probability
PLSC270 Social Science Inquiry
PSYC200 Methods and Analysis
RHCS271 Digital Humanities
SOC211 Sociological Research Methods
Three core courses:
Two additional electives, chosen from, (can not double count with an introductory course):
BIOL336 Eco-epidemiology with Lab
CHEM300 Quantitative Methods of Chemical Analysis
CHEM314 Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM315 Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM325Database Systems
CMSC327 Machine Learning
CMSC 336 Music Informatics
CMSC395 Special Topics: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
CMSC395 Special Topics: Natural Language Processing
ECON242 Data Analysis & Computing for Economics & Business
ECON270 Introductory Econometrics
ECON370 Advanced Econometrics
ECON373 Forecasting & Time-Series Analysis
GEOG260 Foundations of Geospatial Analysis
GEOG360 Environmental Remote Sensing
GEOG365 Advanced Spatial Analysis
LING390 Independent Study: Corpus Linguistics (0.5 credits)
LING297 Selected Topics: Pragmatics (0.5 credits)
MATH395 Special Topics: Computational Modeling in Public Health
MATH395 Special Topics: The Study of Cause and Effect
PSYC300 Methods and Analyses Core Project
PSYC343 Psycholinguistics
Students may petition to replace an introductory statistical methods course with an additional elective; they may also petition to include other advanced courses as electives with permission of the program coordinator. Normally only one elective should be an independent study or independent research course. The minor may not be combined with the major concentration in Data Science and Statistics (in Math or Computer Science) nor can it be combined with the Business Analytics concentration.
The minor requires three core courses (DSST 289, DSST 389, and RHCS 345). The core courses are required for the minor and are not negotiable. The minor also requires one credit or an introductory course and two credits of elective, for which there is some flexibility, including the ability to take an extra elective in place in the introductory course. Note that the minor is open to all students with the exception that it may not be combined with the business school's concentration in Data Analytics.