Dr. Yucong Jiang
Dr. Jiang discovered her interest in music informatics during her college years in Beijing, which led her to graduate studies at Indiana University Bloomington, where she also discovered a passion for teaching. Her current research focuses on building software to analyze music-related data, especially performance data. Her latest project is aimed at visualizing technical aspects of an instrumental performance to provide multifaceted feedback to the player. Applications such as this can also assist music performance education by revealing important patterns in collected performance data, contribute to large-scale corpus analysis, and shed new light on musical intelligence.
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Grants and Fellowships
European Commission, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) European Fellowship, 2023 - 2024, hosted at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria.
National Endowment for the Humanities, Digital Humanities Advancement Grant (DHAG), Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2025, ''Prototyping a Digital Tool for Computer-assisted Annotation and Analysis of Music Performance,'' $74,973.
Grants and Fellowships
Journal Articles
Jiang, Yucong. “Expert and Novice Evaluations of Piano Performances: Criteria for Computer-Aided Feedback.” Proc. 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2023). [pdf]
Sales, Caitlin, Peiyi Wang, and Yucong Jiang. “An Interactive Tool for Exploring Score-Aligned Performances: Opportunities for Enhanced Music Engagement.” Proc. Audio Mostly 2023. [pdf]
Jiang, Yucong, and Christopher Raphael. "Score Following with Hidden Tempo Using a Switching State-space Model." Proc. 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2020). [pdf]
Jiang, Yucong, and Christopher Raphael. "Piano Score-following by Tracking Note Evolution." Proc. Sound and Music Computing (SMC) (2019). [pdf]
Jiang, Yucong, Fiona Ryan, David Cartledge, and Christopher Raphael. "Offline Score Alignment for Realistic Music Practice." Proc. Sound and Music Computing (SMC) (2019). [pdf]
Jiang, Yucong, and Christopher Raphael. "Instrument Identification in Optical Music Recognition." Proc. 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2015). [pdf]
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